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Seki T (2020) Understanding the real state of human adult hippocampal neurogenesis from studies of rodents and non-human primates. Front. Neurosci. 14:839. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00839


Sasaki-Takahashi N, Shinohara H, Shioda S, Seki T* (2020) The polarity and properties of radial glia-like neural stem cells are altered by seizures with status epilepticus: Study using an improved mouse pilocarpine model of epilepsy. Hippocampus. 30: 250–262. https://doi.org/10.1002/hipo.23153



Seki T*, Hori T, Miyata H, Maehara M, Namba T (2019) Analysis of proliferating neuronal progenitors and immature neurons in the human hippocampus surgically removed from control and epileptic patients. Scientific Reports 9: 18194.  doi:10.1038/s41598-019-54684-z


Namba T*, Shinohara H, Seki T* (2019) Non-radial tortuous migration with cell polarity alterations of newly generated granule neurons in the neonatal rat dentate gyrus. Brain Struct Funct, 224: 3247-3262. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00429-019-01971-0


Matsue K, Minakawa S, Kashiwagi, Toda K, Sato T, Shioda S, Seki T* (2018) Dentate granule progenitor cell properties are rapidly altered soon after birth. Brain Struct Funct 223:357-369


Miura-Yamamoto Y, Shinohara H, Kashiwagi T, Sato T, Shioda S, Seki T* (2017) Dynamics and function of CXCR4 in formation of the granule cell layer during hippocampal development. Scientific Reports 7: 5647


Uemori T, Toda K, Seki T* (2017) Seizure severity-dependent selective vulnerability of the granule cell layer and aberrant neurogenesis in the rat hippocampus. Hippocampus 27: 1054-1068.  


Yamaguchi M*, Seki T*, Imayoshi I, Tamamaki N, Hayashi Y, Tatebayashi Y, Hitoshi S (2016) Neural stem cells and neuro/gliogenesis in the central nervous system: understanding the structural and functional plasticity of the developing, mature, and diseased brain. J Physiol Sci 66: 197-206.


Seki T*, Sato T, Toda K, Osumi N, Imura T, Shioda S (2014) A distinctive population of Gfap-expressing neural progenitors arising around the dentate notch migrate and form the granule cell layer in the developing hippocampus. J Comp Neurol 522: 261-283


Namba T, Mochizuki H, Suzuki R, Onodera M, Yamaguchi M, Namiki H, Shioda S, Seki T* (2011) Time-Lapse Imaging Reveals Symmetric Neurogenic Cell Division of GFAP-Expressing Progenitors for Expansion of Postnatal Dentate Granule Neurons.

PLoS One 6:e25303. 


Seki T* (2011) From embryonic to adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. In:  “Neurogenesis in the adult brain I, Neurobiology” (eds, Seki T, Sawamoto K, Parent J, Alvarez-Buylla A) p193-216, Springer.


Liu Y, Namba T, Liu J, Suzuki R, Shioda S, Seki T* (2010) GFAP-expressing neural progenitors give rise to immature neurons via early intermediate progenitors expressing both GFAP and neuronal markers in the adult hippocampus. Neuroscience 166: 241-251


Burgess A, Wainwright S, Shihabuddin LS, Rutishauser U, Seki T*, Aubert I* (2008) Polysialic acid regulates the clustering, migration and neuronal differentiation of progenitor cells in the adult hippcampus. Develop Neurobiolo 68: 1580-1590.


Seki T*, Namba T, Mochizuki H, Onodera M (2007) Clustering, migration and neurite formation of neural precursor cells in the adult rat hippocampus. J Comp Neurol 502: 275-290.


Seki T* (2007) Adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus. In: "New frontiers in regenerative medicine" (eds. Kusano M and Shioda S) Springer, pp113-120.


Namba T, Mochizuki H, Onodera M, Namiki H, *Seki T (2007) Postnatal neurogenesis in hippocampal slice cultures: early in vitro labeling of neural pecursor cells leads to efficient neuronal production. J Neurosci Res, 85: 1704-1712.


Namba T, Mochizuki H, Onodera M, Mizuno Y, Namiki H, Seki T* (2005) The fate of neural progenitor cells expressing astrocytic and radial glial markers in the postnatal rat dentate gyrus. Eur J Neurosci, 22: 1928-1941.


Seki T* (2004) Polysialic acid-expressing cells in adult neurogenesis. Trends Glycosci Glycotech 16: 319-330.


Seki T* (2003) Microenvironmental elements supporting adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Anat Sci Int 78:69-78.


Seki T* (2002) Hippocampal adult neurogenesis occurs in a microenvironment provided by PSA-NCAM-expressing immature neurons. J Neurosci Res 69: 772-783.


Seki T* (2002) Expression patterns of immature neuronal markers (PSA-NCAM, CRMP-4 and NeuroD) in the hippocampus of young adult and aged rodents. J Neurosci Res 70: 327-334


Seki T*, Arai Y (1999) Different PSA-NCAM expression patters in distinct types of mossy fiber boutons in the adult hippocampus. J Comp Neurol 510: 115-125.


Seki T*, Arai Y (1999) The temporal and spacial relationship between PSA-NCAM-expressing newly generated granule cells and radial glia-like cells in the adult dentate gyrus. J Comp Neurol 510: 503-513.


Seki T*, Rutishauser U (1998) Removal of polysialic acid-neural cell adhesion molecule induces aberrant mossy fiber innervation and ectopic synaptogenesis in the hippocampus. J Neurosci 18: 3757-3766.


Seki T*, Arai Y (1995) Age-related production of new granule cells in the adult dentate gyrus. Neuroreport 6: 2479-2482.


Seki T*, Arai Y (1993) Highly polysialylated NCAM expression in the developing and adult rat spinal cord. Dev Brain Res 73: 141-145


Seki T*, Arai Y (1993) Distribution and possible roles of the highly polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM-H) in the developing and adult central nervous system. Neurosci Res 17: 265-290. 


Seki T*, Arai Y (1993) Highly polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is expressed by newly generated granule cells in the dentate gyrus of the adult rat. J. Neurosci 13: 2351-2358.


Seki T, Arai Y* (1991) Expression of highly polysialylated NCAM in the neocortex and piriform cortex of the developing and adult rat. Anat Embryol 184: 395-401.


Seki T, Arai Y* (1991) The persistent expression of a highly polysialylated NCAM in the dentate gyrus of the adult rat. Neurosci Res 12: 503-513.




石龍徳(2020)海馬の顆粒細胞の発生ーその発生は胎生〜成体期まで続く. Clinical Neuroscience 38: 1523-1525


石龍徳(2013)成体海馬におけるニューロン新生. Clinical Neuroscience 31: 1389-1391  


石龍徳(2011)成体海馬のニューロン新生:そのルーツを探る. 東京医科大学雑誌 69: 433-449


石龍徳(2010)ニューロン新生の分子マーカー Clinical Neuroscience 28: 1344-1347

石龍徳(2009)成体脳でのニューロン新生の発見者 ジョセフ・アルトマン. ミクロスコピア 26 (3): 26-28


石龍徳(2008) 神経細胞の新生の現場をおさえる. (1) 海馬の果粒細胞の観察から. ミクロスコピア 25 (2): 19-25.


石龍徳(2008) 神経細胞の新生の現場をおさえる. (2) ネズミからヒトの研究へ. ミクロスコピア 25 (3): 20-25.

石龍徳(2008) 神経細胞の新生の現場をおさえる. (3) グリアがニューロンになる話.  ミクロスコピア 25 (4): 35-40.


石龍徳、難波隆志(2007)成体海馬におけるニューロン新生と神経回路形成. 分子精神医学 7(2): 27-37.






石龍徳 (2002) 成体海馬におけるニューロン新生. 神経研究の進歩 46: 221-236.


石龍徳 (1999) 成体海馬で起こる神経細胞の新生と神経回路形成:神経接着分子(NCAM)の糖鎖ポリシアル酸(PSA)を中心とした解析. 解剖学雑誌 74: 335-349.


(1) 原著


Sasaki-Takahashi N, Shinohara H, Shioda S, Seki T* (2020) The polarity and properties of radial glia-like neural stem cells are altered by seizures with status epilepticus: Study using an improved mouse pilocarpine model of epilepsy. Hippocampus. 30: 250–262. https://doi.org/10.1002/hipo.23153


Seki T*, Hori T, Miyata H, Maehara M, Namba T (2019) Analysis of proliferating neuronal progenitors and immature neurons in the human hippocampus surgically removed from control and epileptic patients. Scientific Reports 9: 18194. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-54684-z


Namba T*, Shinohara H, Seki T (2019) Non-radial tortuous migration with cell polarity alterations of newly generated granule neurons in the neonatal rat dentate gyrus. Brain Struct Funct, 224: 3247-3262.



Kinjo T, Ito M, Seki T, Fukuhara T, Bolati K, Arai H, Suzuki T.(2019) Prenatal exposure to valproic acid is associated with altered neurocognitive function and neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of male offspring rats. Brain Res. 1723: 146403


Matsue K, Minakawa S, Kashiwagi, Toda K, Sato T, Shioda S, Seki T (2018) Dentate granule progenitor cell properties are rapidly altered soon after birth. Brain Struct Funct 223:357-369


Miura-Yamamoto Y, Shinohara H, Kashiwagi T, Sato T, Shioda S, Seki T (2017) Dynamics and function of CXCR4 in formation of the granule cell layer during hippocampal development. Scientific Reports 7: 5647


Uemori T, Toda K, Seki T (2017) Seizure severity-dependent selective vulnerability of the granule cell layer and aberrant neurogenesis in the rat hippocampus. Hippocampus 27: 1054-1068.   


Yamaguchi M*, Seki T*, Imayoshi I, Tamamaki N, Hayashi Y, Tatebayashi Y, Hitoshi S (2016) Neural stem cells and neuro/gliogenesis in the central nervous system: understanding the structural and functional plasticity of the developing, mature, and diseased brain. J Physiol Sci 66: 197-206.


Seki T, Sato T, Toda K, Osumi N, Imura T, Shioda S (2014) A distinctive population of Gfap-expressing neural progenitors arising around the dentate notch migrate and form the granule cell layer in the developing hippocampus. J Comp Neurol 522: 261-283 


Namba T, Mochizuki H, Suzuki R, Onodera M, Yamaguchi M, Namiki H, Shioda S, Seki T (2011) Time-Lapse Imaging Reveals Symmetric Neurogenic Cell Division of GFAP-Expressing Progenitors for Expansion of Postnatal Dentate Granule Neurons.

PLoS One 6:e25303.


Ito M, Seki T, Liu J. Nakamura K, Namba T, Matsubara Y, Suzuki T, Arai H (2010) Effects of repeated electroconvolsive seizure on cell proliferation in the rat hippocampus. Synapse 2010 64: 814-821


Saotome K. Isomura T, Seki T, Nakamura Y, Nakamura M (2010) Structural changes in gonadal basement membranes during sex differentiation in the Rana rugosa. J Exp Zool A Ecol Genet Physiol 313: 369-380


Liu Y, Namba T, Liu J, Suzuki R, Shioda S, Seki T (2010) GFAP-expressing neural progenitors give rise to immature neurons via early intermediate progenitors expressing both GFAP and neuronal markers in the adult hippocampus. Neuroscience 166: 241-251


Miyahara K, Kato Y, Seki T, Arakawa A, Lane GJ, Yamataka A (2009) Neuronal immaturity in normoganglionic colon from cases of Hirschsprung disease, anorectal malformation, and idiopathic constipation. J Pediatr Surg 44(12):2364-2368


Black MA, Deurveilher S, Seki T, Rutishauser U, Rafuse VF, Semba K (2009) Role of polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule in rapid eye movement sleep regulation in rats. Eur J Neurosci 30: 2190-2204


Enomoto A, Asai N, Namba T, Wang Y, Kato T, Tanaka M, Tatsumi H, Taya S, Tsuboi D, Kuroda K, Kaneko N, Sawamoto K, Miyamoto R, Jijiwa M, Murakumo Y, Sokabe M, Seki T, Kaibuchi K, Takahashi M (2009) Roles of disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1-interacting protein girdin in postnatal development of the dentate gyrus. Neuron. 63:774-787 


Kato Y, Miyahara K, Hatano M, Hasegawa Y, Seki T, Frykman PK, Kusafuka J, Lane GJ, Yamataka A. (2009) Immature enteric neurons in Ncx/Hox11L.1 deficient intestinal neuronal dysplasia model mice. Pediatr Surg Int. 25: 961-965


Tanimura A, Liu J, Namba T, Seki T, Matsubara Y, Itoh M, Suzuki T, Arai H. (2009) Prenatal phencyclidine exposure alters hippocampal cell proliferation in offspring rats. Synapse 63: 729-736


Burgess A, Wainwright SR, Shihabuddin LS, Rutishauser U, Seki T, Aubert I (2008) Polysialic acid regulates the clustering, migration, and neuronal differentiation of progenitor cells in the adult hippocampus. Develop Neurobiol 68: 1580-1590.


Oizumi H, Hayashita-Kinoh H, Hayakawa H, Arai H, Furuya T, Ren Y, Yasuda T, Seki T, Mizuno Y, Mochizuki H (2008) Alteration in the differentiation-related molecular expression in the subventricular zone in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Neurosci Res 60: 15-21


Seki T, Namba T, Mochizuki H, Onodera M (2007) Clustering, migration and neurite formation of neural precursor cells in the adult rat hippocampus. J Comp Neurol, 502: 275-290


Namba T, Mochizuki H, Onodera M, Namiki H, Seki T(2007) Postnatal neurogenesis in hippocampal slice cultures: early in vitro labeling of neural precursor cells leads to efficient neuronal production. J Neurosci Res 85: 1704-1712


Horigome F, Seki T, Kobayashi H, Ozaki T, Yamataka A (2007) Developmental anomalies of the enteric nervous system in normoganglionic segments of bowel from rats with total colonic aganglionosis. Pediatr surg Int 23: 991-995


Hayakawa H, Hayashita-Kinoh H, Nihira T, Seki T, Mizuno Y, Mochizuki H (2007) The isolation of neural stem cells from the olfactory bulb of Parkinson’s disease model. Neurosci Res 57: 393-398


Liu J, Suzuki T, Seki T, Namba T, Tanimura A, Arai H (2006) Effects of repeated phencyclidine administration on adult hippocampal neurogenesis in the rat. Synapse 60: 56-68


Namba T, Mochizuki H, Onodera M, Mizuno Y, Namiki H, Seki T (2005) The fate of neural progenitor cells expressing astrocytic and radial glial markers in the postnatal rat dentate gyrus. Eur J Neurosci, 22: 1928-1941


Tozuka Y, Fukuda S, Namba T, Seki T, Hisatsune T (2005) GABAergic excitation promotes neuronal differentiation in adult hippocampal progenitor cells. Neuron, 47:803-815 

Hori K, Fuwa TJ, Seki T, Matsuno K (2005) Genetic regions that interact with loss- and gain-of-function phenotypes of deltex implicate novel genes in Drosophila Notch signaling. Mol Genet Genomics 272: 627-38


Yoshimi K, Ren YR, Seki T, Yamada M, Ooizumi H, Onodera M, Saito Y, Murayama S, Okano H, Mizuno Y, Mochizuki H (2005) Possibility for neurogenesis in substantia nigra of parkinsonian brain. Ann Neurol 58:31-40.


Yamaguchi M, Suzuki T, Seki T, Namba T, Liu J, Arai H, Hori T, Shiga T (2005) Decreased cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus of rats after repeated administration of cocaine. Synapse 58:63–71.


Daniel D, Rossel M, Seki T, Konig N (2005) Stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) expression in embryonic mouse cerebral cortex starts in the intermediate zone close to the pallial-subpallial boundary and extends progressively towards the cortical hem. Gene Expr Patterns 5:317-322.


Saegusa T, Mine S, Iwasa H, Murai H, Seki T, Yamaura A, Yuasa S (2004) Involvement of highly polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM)-positive granule cells in the amygdaloid-kindling-induced sprouting of a hippocampal mossy fiber trajectory. Neurosci Res 48:185-194.


Yamashima T, Tonchev AB, Vachkov IH, Popivanova BK, Seki T, Sawamoto K, Okano H (2004) Vascular adventitia generates neuronal progenitors in the monkey hippocampus after ischemia. Hippocampus 14:861-875


Hayashi A, Yanai A, Komuro Y, Nishida M, Inoue M, Seki T (2004) Collateral Sprouting Occurs following End-to-Side Neurorrhaphy. Plast Reconstr Surg 114: 129-137.


Yamada S, Takayama Y, Seki T, Okada M, Nagai K (2003) Changes in L1 and NCAM expression in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus during growth and after orbital enucleation. Dev Brain Res 143: 189-198.


Mathern GW, Leiphart JL, DeVera adelaine, Adelson PD, Seki T, Neder L, Leite JP (2002) seizures decrease postnatal neurogenesis and granule cell development in the human Fascia Dentata.. Epilepsia 43 Suppl.5: 68-73.


Seki T (2002) Hippocampal adult neurogenesis occurs in a microenvironment provided by PSA-NCAM-expressing immature neurons. J Neurosci Res 69: 772-783.


Seki T (2002) Expression patterns of immature neuronal markers (PSA-NCAM, CRMP-4 and NeuroD) in the hippocampus of young adult and aged rodents. J Neurosci Res 70: 327-334


Kanamaru H, Kakeyama M, Seki T, Arai Y (2001) Estrogen potentiates N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit R2B mRNA expression during the late prepubertal period in female rats. Neurosci Lett 300: 9-12.


Warita H, Murakami T, Manabe Y, Sato K, Hayashi T, Seki T, Abe K (2001) Induction of polysialic acid-neural cell adhesion molecule in surviving motoneurons of transgenic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mice. Neurosci Lett 300: 75-78.


Sato K, Hayashi T, Sasaki C, Iwai M, Li F, Manabe T, Seki T, Abe K (2001) Temporal and spatial differences of PSA-NCAM expression between young-adult and aged rats in normal and ischemic brain. Brain Res 922:135-139


Murakami S, Seki T, Rutishauser U, Arai Y (2000) Enzymatic removal of polysialic acid from neural cell adhesion molecule perturbs the migration route of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neurons in the developing chick forebrain. J Comp Neurol 420: 171-181.


Iijima K, Ando K, Takeda S, Sato Y, Seki T, Itohara S, Greengard P, Kirino Y, Nairn AC, Suzuki T (2000) Neuron-specific phosphorylation of Alzheimer's β-amyloid precursor protein by cyclin-dependent kinase 5. J Neurochem 75: 1085-1091.


Yamamoto N, Inui K, Matsuyama Y, Harada A, Hanamura K, Murakami F, Ruthazer ES, Rutishauser U, Seki T (2000) Inhibition mechanism by polysialic acid for lamina-specific branch formation of thalamocortical axons. J Neurosci 15: 9145-9151


Seki T, Arai Y (1999) Different PSA-NCAM expression patters in distinct types of mossy fiber boutons in the adult hippocampus. J Comp Neurol 510: 115-125.


Seki T, Arai Y (1999) The temporal and spacial relationship between PSA-NCAM-expressing newly generated granule cells and radial glia-like cells in the adult dentate gyrus. J Comp Neurol 510: 503-513.


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Seki T, Rutishauser U (1998) Removal of polysialic acid-neural cell adhesion molecule induces aberrant mossy fiber innervation and ectopic synaptogenesis in the hippocampus. J Neurosci 18: 3757-3766.


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Yayoi Y, Takahashi S, Takeuchi S, Takeuchi M, Seki T, Arai Y (1998) Expression of neural cell adhesion molecules in the mouse anterior pituitary gland and pituitary tumor cells. Biomed Res 19: 267-277.


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Seki T, Kikuyama S, Yanaihara Y (1995) In vitro development of Xenopus skin glands producing 5-hydroxytryptamine and caerulein. Experientia 51: 1040-1044.


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 (2) 総説


石龍徳(2020)海馬の顆粒細胞の発生ーその発生は胎生〜成体期まで続く. Clinical Neuroscience 38: 1523-1525



Seki T (2020) Understanding the real state of human adult hippocampal neurogenesis from studies of rodents and non-human primates. Front. Neurosci. 14:839. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00839


Yamaguchi M, Seki T, Imayoshi I, Tamamaki N, Hayashi Y, Tatebayashi Y, Hitoshi S (2016) Neural stem cells and neuro/gliogenesis in the central nervous system: understanding the structural and functional plasticity of the developing, mature, and diseased brain. J Physiol Sci 66: 197-206


石龍徳(2013)成体海馬におけるニューロン新生. Clinical Neuroscience 31: 1389-1391  


石龍徳(2011)成体海馬のニューロン新生:そのルーツを探る. 東京医科大学雑誌 69: 433-449


石龍徳(2010)ニューロン新生の分子マーカー Clinical Neuroscience 28: 1344-1347


高島健太、石龍徳、大隅典子 (2010) 中枢神経再生の現状と課題 総合リハビリテーション 38: 107-113 


石龍徳, 難波隆志 (2007)成体海馬におけるニューロン新生と神経回路形成. 分子精神医学 7:111-121 


石龍徳、堀智勝(2006)側頭葉てんかんに海馬のニューロン新生は関与するのか?―てんかん患者とてんかんモデルラットの比較.医学の歩み 219:797-798


石龍徳(2005)海馬:成体の脳でもニューロンが新しく生まれている例外的な場所.Priming BioMedicine 2: 11-22


Seki T (2004) Polysialic acid-expressing cells in adult neurogenesis. Trends Glycosci Glycotech 16: 319-330.


Yamaguchi M, Suzuki T, Seki T, Namba T, Juan H, Arai T, Hori T, Asada T (2004) Repetitive cocaine administration decreases neurogenesis in adult rat hippocampus. Ann NY Acad Sci 1025: 351-362.


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(3) 著書

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石龍徳(2015)12章§1 神経系の発生. 所収:「小児脳神経外科学」(改訂2版、山崎麻美、坂本博昭編集)金芳堂, pp927-947.


石龍徳(2015)1-3 ニューロンの分子構築と機能. 所収:「脳神経外科診療プラクティス 6 脳神経外科医が知っておくべきニューロサイエンスの知識」(三國信啓、深谷親編集)文光堂, pp.8-9.


Seki T (2011) From embryonic to adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. In:  “Neurogenesis in the adult brain I, Neurobiology” (eds, Seki T, Sawamoto K, Parent J, Alvarez-Buylla A) p193-216, Springer. 


Seki T (2007) Adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus. In: “New frontiers in regenerative medicine” (eds. Kusano M and Shioda S) Springer, pp113-120.






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新井康允, 石龍徳 (1997) 神経成長とNCAM. 所収:神経の再生と機能. 再建-基礎と臨床.(志水義房他 編集)西村書店, 新潟, pp110-116.


石龍徳 (1995) NCAM.所収:脳・神経タンパク質・接着タンパク質 II. タンパク質 化学 第9巻(野村靖幸 編集)廣川書店、東京、pp297-302.


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石龍徳(分担訳)(2018) 第17章「呼吸器系」所収:「ジュンケイラ組織学 第5版」(坂井建雄、川上速人 監訳)丸善株式会社, 東京, pp375-397


石龍徳 (2016) NCAM 脳科学辞典 DOI:10.14931/bsd.6770 


石龍徳 (2016) NeuN 脳科学辞典 DOI:10.14931/bsd.6876 


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石龍徳(2009)成体脳でのニューロン新生の発見者 ジョセフ・アルトマン. ミクロスコピア 26 (3): 26-28

石龍徳(2008) 神経細胞の新生の現場をおさえる. (1) 海馬の果粒細胞の観察から. ミクロスコピア 25 (2): 19-25.

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石龍徳(分担訳)(2011) 所収: John Nolte「神経科学」 インテグレーテッドシリーズ6(白尾智明 監訳)東京化学同人、東京、pp51-88


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石龍徳(分担訳)(2007)第17章「呼吸器系」所収:「ジュンケイラ組織学 第2版」(坂井建雄、川上速人監訳)丸善株式会社, 東京, pp355-374


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石龍徳(分担訳)(1994) 生命の化学. 所収:「シーリー解剖生理学」(新井康允他 監訳) 廣川書店, 東京, pp30-57.